Monday, December 31, 2007

Special Episodes: The Transition

Again I say goodbye to this year.

It was just like last year. Well, not really like last year.
This year was fruitful.
This year was dark also.

It was a year of pruning and constant changing.
And it was really hard for me at the start.
The scars of the past and burdens are still there.
And until now, it keeps on making me fall.

I was focusing too much on the concerns of this world and myself, that I forgot how to build upon my influence and God’s influence in my life and the world.

I forgot many things, just because I focused on the problem too much.
Being given a mission is not easy, all the more that it is not when we focus on the problem too much, and even more that it is really not that easy when we forget that we are not alone in this task.

I almost completely got lost.
But the Lord is good. He knows what’s happening. And He sure is too stubborn enough not to let go of me.
Now, I’m taking baby steps again… and some big leaps… to get back on my feet. The gravitational pull of the past is really great, but I have in my heart the constant hope and with the constant help that I get from God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and my family and friends, I know someday… I can make it… maybe this following year, or the next, or the next-next… or the next-next-next…

So I bid farewell to this year. And just like what I read awhile ago from some message from my friend, I bury the mistakes I made, and create a new benchmark for my success this year, and hope to get my goals the following year.

Thank you to all of my family, my friends, my sponsors, and everyone who are in between for the support and Love you have given.
For this, in return of your Love, I will struggle more in loving you all with the best that I can.

As for my OTL (One True Love), whoever you are, be prepared because I’m preparing myself for you. If we see and get to know each other this year, that’s good, if we don’t get to see and know each other, then I’ll still be preparing for us and be hopefully waiting the following years.

As for my plans, because of the renovation and some lessons I took up this Christmas vacation, I completely forgot making some plans for the following year, so I’ll do the planning for the first quarter of this year’s 2008 by January 2, and I’ll post it here if I got time later.

Whew, I’ve written too much, got way past my supposed mark for myself. Well, as I hug this coming New Year with delight, may God bless us and bring new and prosperous fruits for us to share with each other.

God bless and Happy New Year :D

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Special Episodes: Nothing to write this Christmas

Oh well, let’s just say I have to give in.
This is my first Christmas where I don’t have anything to give.
I didn’t text others (like I used to…)
I didn’t buy any gifts for others…
Talk about sharing…

But anyway, I had a lot of fun moments this Christmas.
I made quite a lot of new friends this merry season, like the children animators at the STCJP parish, and also being able to be part of the “Kakaibang Panunuluyan” play of the Christmas Midnight Mass.

I got a lot of rest also. And some time again to read some of my books. And write again.
And felt God’s love in some way that I can’t explain… and shared it also to others… that is not expressed in texts or gifts…

Well… As I have said… I have to give in…
I don’t know what to write today.
So this will be my “special episodes” where I will just write what’s in my head…

I just wish you all a Merry Christmas today. And I have to say, this day is not really about Jesus alone. But us receiving God’s Love for us through the incarnation of His Love, the Word made Flesh, the birth of His only Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

God bless you all :D

Friday, December 21, 2007

Rebirth of All Series: Crash and Burn

My last entry was September.

It has been a long time since I last written an article for you guys to read (except the CCC part, which was last October)

Anyway, just as the title suggests: Crash and Burn

For the last 2 months, my life went haywire, being caught up by the aftermath of the recent events and happenings starting this year. Figuratively, my life crashed and burned.

Although, on the outside, you can see me as a-ok, inside, is empty. Although I attended a lot of seminars and stuff, I’m still lost inside.

I seemed too detached to the people around me. And I almost totally forgot all my writing and my works. I was on the thin line between sanity and insanity.

But now, is recovery time. And I have so many things to tell you. Those 2 months of force-retreat gave new meaning. The flame from the crash intensified. And now, a phoenix rises from the ashes.

So, just before this year ends, I want to celebrate the rebirth of this site. Although the façade looks the same, I do hope my stories that I will share will give more inspiration to love the people around you.

More faith, more hope and more love.