A 500-peso gift given by a guy to his girlfriend.
An extravagant gift saying "I really really love you" in beautiful word-art and is given to a girl.
Three 1500-peso bouquet of roses given to a girl by her suitor for "breakfast", "lunch" and "dinner".
A 3-paged letter saying all things about love and life with her and how happy he is to actually meet and be with her and is given every monthsary to his girlfriend.
Bought a stuffed-toy, a dog, and gave it as a Christmas gift to his girlfriend.
Prepared a surprise for his "crush". Contacted a local coffee shop for reservations, bought a bouquet of the girl's most favorite flowers, bought a teddy bear, created his own card, prepared the place, and totally surprised the girl.
These are 5 different situations. Maybe 5 different sets of people who have done these things. What do these 5 situations have in common?
Common point: All has gifts being given. Outwardly expressing that the guy loved the girl.
Sweet right? Not quite.
Ask me that question at the time when I was 18 years-old and I would totally go into "kilig" mode and say... "Wow!! How sweet!! Grabe astigin!!"
Ask me now, I'm sorry to shatter your sweet tooth, but I'll say "Not quite... Not sweet enough"
Not long ago, a friend of mine got an extravagant (when I say extravagant, it means something that is nearly out-of-reach to be bought by a non-working student because of financial matters and stuff... i.e. a 1500-peso gift bought by a 4th year highschool student... if you know what I mean) gift from his boyfriend. Another friend of mine was there when she got it and was amazed on how the guy really "loved" the girl. Contradictory to what my friend said, my left eyebrow is lifted and said in reply "You call that love? My dog could do that." (Ok, I didn't said that last sentence but I did just put it here just for a laugh).
My friend said in reply, "Why? He's so sweet!! Giving that thing..."
"O come on, that is sweet? You call that sweet?!!" In my mind, candy was sweeter than that.
"Yes it is!! It is because your standards are too high..." my friend replied in defense for that gift.
Standards? Well, I guess my "standards" are too high... Sweetness for me is when couples love each other. For me, it is when they show each other true love in real and simple ways like hugging each other, saying "I love you" 7 times a day (and he means it when he says it), fulfilling each others needs, doing things together, serving each other, loving each other, sharing each other's lives... Yes, these are my standards of sweetness: When they genuinely express the Love of God to each other that it is so contagious even their friends feel it when they are together.
It's not the gift...
It's not the beautiful "I love you"s in artful letters...
It's not in the roses...
It's in the couple's everyday lives, serving and loving each other, that makes their sweetness profound and felt to the bone by others around them and they themselves.
I didn't feel the love from the gift given to my friend that day. It's just once-in-a-blue-moon event. No follow-ups. No fulfillment of needs. No real service. Just feelings... In other words, "Love" for them was just a matter of feelings and not really an action that should be taken seriously.
True Sweetness is a by-product when True Love is felt. True Love is felt only by self-giving. In a relationship, you do not have time to think of your needs. Because your needs is automatically fulfilled by your partner. Thus, you use the time to fulfill your partner's needs by self-giving. This is what you call "The Theory of Equivalent Exchange" in relationships (See Love Blog Series #1: The Theory of Equivalent Exchange).
It's not a matter of how many gifts he or she has given you...
It's not even a matter of how much each gift costs...
It's also not a matter of how many "I love you" sentences he or she has blurted out to you...
Not even on how many kisses you have made...
or even on how long you have been together...
Sweetness cannot be found there.
As long as there is no quality... All these are fake.
As long as there is no service and self-sacrifice... All these are fake.
As long as there is no True Love... All these are fake.
Sweetness can only be felt when you truly love each other; when you truly serve each other; when you truly feel God's Love surrounding both you.
And that what's sweetness is all about.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Love Blog Series #1: The Theory of Equivalent Exchange
I have this relationship theory that I've been thinking about.
Although this theory is primarily built on the premise of a romantic or loving boy-girl relationship, It can also be used in friendship, family and other kinds of relationship but in a different level.
But for this, I'll have to focus on the boy-girl or in a matured sense, man-woman relationship.
My theory is entitled: "The Theory of Equivalent Exchange". Based on the classic law from the Anime series, Full Metal Alchemist.
This theory is not of my own in the first place. It is because that it was unconsciously done by (veteran) couples and although the foundations of this theory was discussed by preachers and speakers before, I would like to just name it just for the sake of giving it a name for establishment.
The theory states that "for the exchange to take place, the two key players of the relationship must be somehow complete first before they give it to each other. As for this, they will take what the other has given and the cycle goes on. Because of their completeness, and their readiness, the give-and-take cycle becomes a natural process, like breathing and eating."
Do you understand the theory? I'll explain further...
In simple terms, realistically, to have a good start in a relationship (and also a good flow in a relationship), you have to be ready and complete, maturity-wise in terms of physical, spiritual and most especially emotional, before you dive into a relationship. You cannot give what you do not have.
Now why give? To answer that, I have to make an example. An immatured relationship would have two people always after their own good, their own selves. An immatured relationship would be composed of at least 1 person who is immatured.
And an immatured person (although this is just a part) is always not complete and not ready. In a way, one doesn't know one's self. Thus, making him "incomplete" and often times finds someone who could "complete" him or her.
If one knows one's self, he finds completeness and contentment. If one finds himself complete and content, he finds joy. And by sharing joy equals more joy. That is why we need to give one's self. Because it is really not the need to complete you but the need to share your complete self, your joyful state that you feel more joy.
Also when one knows one's self, he knows what he needs. Thus, finding the right partner (without quotation marks) will be easy because you know what to find for a partner. Thus, once you found that partner, only little and minor adjustments will be made for a good, realistic, exciting, joyful, steady and loving relationship.
Given these, if the 2 key players in the relationship are matured enough, one will not feel the need to look after one's self if he or she is fulfilled. Why? Because their needs are fulfilled unconsiously by their partner who gives themselves to them, leaving them more oppurtunity to give themselves to their partners more and vice-versa. This often overlooked phenomena was the reason why people stick together. It is because it becomes a natural process for them to give rather than to look after themselves and their needs. It becomes natural to look after their partner's needs because they are confident that their partner will look after their needs. That is where the cycle of love happens. You give what you have, you get what you the other gives. Equivalent exchange.
The last thing is why take? To take is to appreciate what is given. Appreciation is a response. Which is also to give. To take something is to give a response of saying 'Thank You for giving your Love to me." By saying that, the giver is more energized to give you more of that. Because you gave the giver due praise that he deserves. Which is true for that person because the giver becomes the reciever when you also give your love in return. You will be giving if the reciever appreciates you and praises you.
So now, we have discussed the semi-nitty-gritty-stuff of this theory. complete-give-take topic. To end this, I will end it in full circle. Before we are to be complete, we have to ask for help from someone to complete us. And that Someone is here. He is Big. He is Strong. And He is Complete beyond reasonable doubt. He will give you Love. This Love, when felt by your heart, brings joy. And this joy you will want to share, right? Especially to the one you love... that special someone in your life. Always ask the Father for that Love in all your relationships. Make Jesus your first Special Someone, so that when he lavishly and generously gives you His overflowing Love, you will not contain it that you have no choice but to share it to your special someone... your partner in Christ.
Although this theory is primarily built on the premise of a romantic or loving boy-girl relationship, It can also be used in friendship, family and other kinds of relationship but in a different level.
But for this, I'll have to focus on the boy-girl or in a matured sense, man-woman relationship.
My theory is entitled: "The Theory of Equivalent Exchange". Based on the classic law from the Anime series, Full Metal Alchemist.
This theory is not of my own in the first place. It is because that it was unconsciously done by (veteran) couples and although the foundations of this theory was discussed by preachers and speakers before, I would like to just name it just for the sake of giving it a name for establishment.
The theory states that "for the exchange to take place, the two key players of the relationship must be somehow complete first before they give it to each other. As for this, they will take what the other has given and the cycle goes on. Because of their completeness, and their readiness, the give-and-take cycle becomes a natural process, like breathing and eating."
Do you understand the theory? I'll explain further...
In simple terms, realistically, to have a good start in a relationship (and also a good flow in a relationship), you have to be ready and complete, maturity-wise in terms of physical, spiritual and most especially emotional, before you dive into a relationship. You cannot give what you do not have.
Now why give? To answer that, I have to make an example. An immatured relationship would have two people always after their own good, their own selves. An immatured relationship would be composed of at least 1 person who is immatured.
And an immatured person (although this is just a part) is always not complete and not ready. In a way, one doesn't know one's self. Thus, making him "incomplete" and often times finds someone who could "complete" him or her.
If one knows one's self, he finds completeness and contentment. If one finds himself complete and content, he finds joy. And by sharing joy equals more joy. That is why we need to give one's self. Because it is really not the need to complete you but the need to share your complete self, your joyful state that you feel more joy.
Also when one knows one's self, he knows what he needs. Thus, finding the right partner (without quotation marks) will be easy because you know what to find for a partner. Thus, once you found that partner, only little and minor adjustments will be made for a good, realistic, exciting, joyful, steady and loving relationship.
Given these, if the 2 key players in the relationship are matured enough, one will not feel the need to look after one's self if he or she is fulfilled. Why? Because their needs are fulfilled unconsiously by their partner who gives themselves to them, leaving them more oppurtunity to give themselves to their partners more and vice-versa. This often overlooked phenomena was the reason why people stick together. It is because it becomes a natural process for them to give rather than to look after themselves and their needs. It becomes natural to look after their partner's needs because they are confident that their partner will look after their needs. That is where the cycle of love happens. You give what you have, you get what you the other gives. Equivalent exchange.
The last thing is why take? To take is to appreciate what is given. Appreciation is a response. Which is also to give. To take something is to give a response of saying 'Thank You for giving your Love to me." By saying that, the giver is more energized to give you more of that. Because you gave the giver due praise that he deserves. Which is true for that person because the giver becomes the reciever when you also give your love in return. You will be giving if the reciever appreciates you and praises you.
So now, we have discussed the semi-nitty-gritty-stuff of this theory. complete-give-take topic. To end this, I will end it in full circle. Before we are to be complete, we have to ask for help from someone to complete us. And that Someone is here. He is Big. He is Strong. And He is Complete beyond reasonable doubt. He will give you Love. This Love, when felt by your heart, brings joy. And this joy you will want to share, right? Especially to the one you love... that special someone in your life. Always ask the Father for that Love in all your relationships. Make Jesus your first Special Someone, so that when he lavishly and generously gives you His overflowing Love, you will not contain it that you have no choice but to share it to your special someone... your partner in Christ.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Window Series #1: New Life Reflection
This was my reflection at the YLSS shepherding session/worship where the topic was about New Life and the gospel readings were about Jesus' Ascension.
This reflection is now the edited version of the talk.
Let’s have a look first at the readings to make a short point in my reflection
From: Luke 24:49a
And [behold] I am sending the promise of my Father upon you; (but stay in the city until you are clothed with power from high)
And from: Luke 24:51
As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven.
There are 2 points in this reflection that I do hope you will see before mag-tuluy-tuloy tayo sa worship.
1. Promise
2. Parted
Let’s define these 2 points:
Promise – a verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do something in the future
Parted – go one’s own away; move apart; separate (physically, emotionally, etc…)
Now that we have defined the 2 points I will ask you a weird question.
“Do you have a friend, family, relative, loved-one, love-team today?”
But that is not my weird question... This is the real question:
“Do you have a friend, family, relative, loved-one, love-team that parted from you (or you parted from them) by any reason may it be physical by distance or something, or you don't have the same wavelength anymore, or problems arose, or anything... The thing is you have parted from them or they have parted from you?"
Isn't is sad?
Your family or loved-ones or friends may be your “foundations”… People you look up to; people you look or talk to when you have seemingly big rpoblems in life; people who fulfills you; manages to handle you as you are; companions;
And then at one point you get separated... just like in the gospel, Jesus was the disciples’, foundation. Then he went up to heaven.
But I will ask you to look at it at another point of view, what if this parting that you had with your friend or your family member or your loved-one or for some of us here, special someone, is a means to have something new in life?
Let's say there is a need to have a new life… A new perspective maybe? A new look? Maybe a new habit? part of personality? new chapter in your book?
Something new to look forward to…
“How can it be that there is something new in my life when what really happened is that we got separated?!! What will I look forward to? What's NEW?!!"
Before we get into a new soap opera here, I will tell you the answer.
It is because of the promise…
the promise that God will give us something new…
In the gospel, Jesus promised to send the Paraclete before He parted from his disciples. He promised his disciples so that they can look forward to something new.
For us, God is also promising you something new… in every parting that will happen in our lives, God is promising something new… may it be spiritual, emotional maturity, physical, a new friend, a new perspective, a new way of life… and every parting may not need also human partings… but may also include parting from old habits… vices… sins… bondages… hurtful relationships… abuse… sexual desires… desires of the flesh…
God is promising new… if someone or something parts or is separated from you… or if you need to part from that person or from that thing or habit… and you have a prodding that you need to let go… let go… let go…
Remember this line guys… “Let go and let God…” (for those who attended the Summer Camp 2007 will add this “take over our lives… amen…”) but what I’m saying here is Let go and let God… because He is in control and he promises you something new.
To end this reflection, I will share you one last story…
Just a backgrounder, i have this close friend where I've shared this reflection before I wrote it down. This close friend of mine was the same person whom I've shared a similar instance of this reflection way back when I was 2nd year college and I was courting someone back then.
I said to her when we were riding at a swing “Alam mo, siya na…” (You know, I think she's the one)
Guys… I was 18 years old back then… and I've said many things that now I've come to realize it is something off and somehow a little bit stupid
“nasa kanya ang lahat ng hinahanap ko… close kami… masarap kasama… blah-blah… pero alam mo… kung hindi man siya… kaswerte ko na…”
(She got the things I'm looking for, for a girl: We are close, She's fun to be with... blah-blah... But you know, If she's not the one... then I'm very lucky)
She was confused by my statement. “Bakit?” (why?) She asked.
“kasi kung di man siya… may mas maganda pa kaysa sa kanya… “ (Because if she's not the one, Then there's someone out there for me who is more beautiful than her)
That is how I percieved God's promise for me… But somehow I forgot that promise when I was "dumped"…
But every parting has something new in my life... new haircut… new place to eat… new habit… new perspective… new set of friends…
That's why I believe that the promise will happen… The promise of something new.
This is the real story.
I have this very, very close friend of mine and somehow we get together all the time. But for some reason, we need to part ways. Not in the sense that we are angry at each other or misunderstandings or the need to change places… Let's just say there are some reasons where I have decided to part ways for awhile… still friends but part ways… It was a painful ordeal… To think our friendship was then blossoming into a great one and then poof... we need to separate. And I can’t stand when that person began to cry… My heart was crushed and I asked the Lord, “Kelangan ko ba itong gawin? Pwede bang ayusin niyo na lang ito without us having to part? Yung gigising ka na lang isang araw… tapos wala na!! ok na!!” (Do I have to do this? Can you just fix it without having us to separate? Like we will wake up one day... then it's gone!! We're ok!!)
I remembered that the Lord doesn't move that way. But he gave us a promise. He promised us to look forward to something new… may it be that the Lord will mold us into something new, or may it be a new perspective, a new friend that will keep our sanity intact, or someone to still keep us company, or a new mission in life, or still maybe a new way of life... and maybe… just maybe… if things are good and the Lord wills it… maybe we'll see each other in the future… or have a nice chit-chat for awhile… and we’ll look back at this moment where we were changed… I don’t know…
All I know is that the Lord has a promise... And He will do it at His perfect time… sabi nga sa 2nd reading, Hebrews 10:23,” Let us hold unwaveringly to our confession that gives us hope, for he who made the promise is trustworthy”
We still see each other every once-in-a-while… still friends… but that's it… Just like we said to each other… things happen :D
That's why for us (yep, including me) that is still looking at the sky asking God “Why now??!!” with matching drama effects… Let us take note what the 2 angels said from the 1st reading “Men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking at the sky?”
We may be stuck here looking at the sky for so long… I think we may need to not look at the sky and ask… but we need to look forward to a new life that God has promised us… and we need it to claim it for ourselves… right?
This reflection is now the edited version of the talk.
Let’s have a look first at the readings to make a short point in my reflection
From: Luke 24:49a
And [behold] I am sending the promise of my Father upon you; (but stay in the city until you are clothed with power from high)
And from: Luke 24:51
As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven.
There are 2 points in this reflection that I do hope you will see before mag-tuluy-tuloy tayo sa worship.
1. Promise
2. Parted
Let’s define these 2 points:
Promise – a verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do something in the future
Parted – go one’s own away; move apart; separate (physically, emotionally, etc…)
Now that we have defined the 2 points I will ask you a weird question.
“Do you have a friend, family, relative, loved-one, love-team today?”
But that is not my weird question... This is the real question:
“Do you have a friend, family, relative, loved-one, love-team that parted from you (or you parted from them) by any reason may it be physical by distance or something, or you don't have the same wavelength anymore, or problems arose, or anything... The thing is you have parted from them or they have parted from you?"
Isn't is sad?
Your family or loved-ones or friends may be your “foundations”… People you look up to; people you look or talk to when you have seemingly big rpoblems in life; people who fulfills you; manages to handle you as you are; companions;
And then at one point you get separated... just like in the gospel, Jesus was the disciples’, foundation. Then he went up to heaven.
But I will ask you to look at it at another point of view, what if this parting that you had with your friend or your family member or your loved-one or for some of us here, special someone, is a means to have something new in life?
Let's say there is a need to have a new life… A new perspective maybe? A new look? Maybe a new habit? part of personality? new chapter in your book?
Something new to look forward to…
“How can it be that there is something new in my life when what really happened is that we got separated?!! What will I look forward to? What's NEW?!!"
Before we get into a new soap opera here, I will tell you the answer.
It is because of the promise…
the promise that God will give us something new…
In the gospel, Jesus promised to send the Paraclete before He parted from his disciples. He promised his disciples so that they can look forward to something new.
For us, God is also promising you something new… in every parting that will happen in our lives, God is promising something new… may it be spiritual, emotional maturity, physical, a new friend, a new perspective, a new way of life… and every parting may not need also human partings… but may also include parting from old habits… vices… sins… bondages… hurtful relationships… abuse… sexual desires… desires of the flesh…
God is promising new… if someone or something parts or is separated from you… or if you need to part from that person or from that thing or habit… and you have a prodding that you need to let go… let go… let go…
Remember this line guys… “Let go and let God…” (for those who attended the Summer Camp 2007 will add this “take over our lives… amen…”) but what I’m saying here is Let go and let God… because He is in control and he promises you something new.
To end this reflection, I will share you one last story…
Just a backgrounder, i have this close friend where I've shared this reflection before I wrote it down. This close friend of mine was the same person whom I've shared a similar instance of this reflection way back when I was 2nd year college and I was courting someone back then.
I said to her when we were riding at a swing “Alam mo, siya na…” (You know, I think she's the one)
Guys… I was 18 years old back then… and I've said many things that now I've come to realize it is something off and somehow a little bit stupid
“nasa kanya ang lahat ng hinahanap ko… close kami… masarap kasama… blah-blah… pero alam mo… kung hindi man siya… kaswerte ko na…”
(She got the things I'm looking for, for a girl: We are close, She's fun to be with... blah-blah... But you know, If she's not the one... then I'm very lucky)
She was confused by my statement. “Bakit?” (why?) She asked.
“kasi kung di man siya… may mas maganda pa kaysa sa kanya… “ (Because if she's not the one, Then there's someone out there for me who is more beautiful than her)
That is how I percieved God's promise for me… But somehow I forgot that promise when I was "dumped"…
But every parting has something new in my life... new haircut… new place to eat… new habit… new perspective… new set of friends…
That's why I believe that the promise will happen… The promise of something new.
This is the real story.
I have this very, very close friend of mine and somehow we get together all the time. But for some reason, we need to part ways. Not in the sense that we are angry at each other or misunderstandings or the need to change places… Let's just say there are some reasons where I have decided to part ways for awhile… still friends but part ways… It was a painful ordeal… To think our friendship was then blossoming into a great one and then poof... we need to separate. And I can’t stand when that person began to cry… My heart was crushed and I asked the Lord, “Kelangan ko ba itong gawin? Pwede bang ayusin niyo na lang ito without us having to part? Yung gigising ka na lang isang araw… tapos wala na!! ok na!!” (Do I have to do this? Can you just fix it without having us to separate? Like we will wake up one day... then it's gone!! We're ok!!)
I remembered that the Lord doesn't move that way. But he gave us a promise. He promised us to look forward to something new… may it be that the Lord will mold us into something new, or may it be a new perspective, a new friend that will keep our sanity intact, or someone to still keep us company, or a new mission in life, or still maybe a new way of life... and maybe… just maybe… if things are good and the Lord wills it… maybe we'll see each other in the future… or have a nice chit-chat for awhile… and we’ll look back at this moment where we were changed… I don’t know…
All I know is that the Lord has a promise... And He will do it at His perfect time… sabi nga sa 2nd reading, Hebrews 10:23,” Let us hold unwaveringly to our confession that gives us hope, for he who made the promise is trustworthy”
We still see each other every once-in-a-while… still friends… but that's it… Just like we said to each other… things happen :D
That's why for us (yep, including me) that is still looking at the sky asking God “Why now??!!” with matching drama effects… Let us take note what the 2 angels said from the 1st reading “Men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking at the sky?”
We may be stuck here looking at the sky for so long… I think we may need to not look at the sky and ask… but we need to look forward to a new life that God has promised us… and we need it to claim it for ourselves… right?
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Introduction to New Series: Window Series
Another series will be introduced here.
It will be all about my reflections, my thoughts and about me.
This will be called the Window Series...
From the metaphor "window of my soul", the blog entries written under this series will be make you see and maybe know more about me and my life, what I see and also what God sees in me.
So any blog entry will be under this series will be titled Window Series: [title of the topic]
Again, watch out and thank you for reading :D
It will be all about my reflections, my thoughts and about me.
This will be called the Window Series...
From the metaphor "window of my soul", the blog entries written under this series will be make you see and maybe know more about me and my life, what I see and also what God sees in me.
So any blog entry will be under this series will be titled Window Series: [title of the topic]
Again, watch out and thank you for reading :D
Introduction to New Series: Love Blog Series
This will be an introduction for my new series of blog entries about a certain topic.
The topic is about Love. Yes, the ups-and-downs, the left-and-right, the right-and-wrong.
The title for this series will be Love Blog Series...
And thanks to some of my friends inspiring me to create this series (although they didn't know that I am really creating this... Only just one of them did know about it... and she knew also my first topic to be written in this series).
So any blog entry will be under this series will be titled Love Blog Series: [title of the topic]
If you have any question or anything that you want to ask about love, just write in my guestbook at multiply and I'll try to research upon it and maybe I could put it as another entry for this series :D
Again, thanks for reading and God bless :D
The topic is about Love. Yes, the ups-and-downs, the left-and-right, the right-and-wrong.
The title for this series will be Love Blog Series...
And thanks to some of my friends inspiring me to create this series (although they didn't know that I am really creating this... Only just one of them did know about it... and she knew also my first topic to be written in this series).
So any blog entry will be under this series will be titled Love Blog Series: [title of the topic]
If you have any question or anything that you want to ask about love, just write in my guestbook at multiply and I'll try to research upon it and maybe I could put it as another entry for this series :D
Again, thanks for reading and God bless :D
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Serendipity anyone?
For the lovers, romantics, hopeless romantics, feeling hopeless, people who fall in love easily, people who were hurt, always hurt, and would not dare again take another chance because of being hurt by a magical, powerful word called love...
And for others who just wants to read, this is for you...
"Sana nangyayari yan sa totoong buhay, no?" (I wish that happens in real life, no?)
It was the very statement I heard while watching the movie Serendipity in a little cramped room with 9 people inside (that includes me).
And all I could think of is a statement that was running and racing inside my head.
A truth that could maybe blow-away even myself. A truth so powerful, I could only say, "My gosh, why is it that people don't notice this truth?!!"
So as to understand this whole article, I will give you just a gist of the movie. Don't worry, no spoilers here... or I think...
Anyway, the ultimate gist here is that 2 people just met a few years back and got to know each other a little too well. But for some reason, they relied on "fate" and put their names and telephone numbers on a 5 dollar paper bill and at the first page of a book. Then, they never got to see each other again. Little did they know that after a few years later, the same 5 dollar paper bill and book will land in their hands... I guess this will be the "spoiler" part, they met again because of the 2 "magical" things and have ever-since stayed together... or so I think...
To a once-hopeless-romantic like myself, I would say the same statement my friend blurted out as we watched that movie... "Sana nangyayari yan sa totoong buhay"
It is because if I would just look at those two events where they write their numbers in common things and when they got it back, it really is a gazillion-to-one chance and they will be really really really lucky to experience that. That will be a once-in-a-lifetime "LOVE" affair...
But what makes this movie so magical is not those two events. Nope. Sorry to shatter your magical moment but it's not. These two are just the back-ups for the real magic. "Palamuti" (decoration). Icing in the cake.
The real magic of serendipity is.... guess what? It is so mundane, so normal, so ordinary that many people missed it.
The real magic is the will of the two characters of the story to find each other. The key-decisions they made, the opportunities they took, the risks they took, the will-power they have. That's the real magic.
It is not really destiny leading them. But rather, they chose to cut a path a create their destinies.
We people (yes, I myself included) has a knack of looking and focusing on one part of the whole picture. In this case, we often look at the 5 dollar bill and book in the movie that makes the whole story so "magical". But we often overlook the bigger picture that makes this story really magical. Thus, the effect is we get disillusioned, hopeless, downhearted and worse, devastated when these so-called "signs" don't happen in our lives.
We don't see the whole picture that we ourselves, most of the time, create the signs. We create our destiny. Try to ask this, what if they decided not to look for each other after they got the 5 dollar bill and book? Or worse, what if they decided not to look for the 5 dollar bill and book? Or even worse, what if they decided not to even write their names in a 5 dollar bill and page in a book? You get my drift? They themselves controlled their reactions to these happenings. It's not fate that is controlling them. It is them controlling fate. And they will it. They want it to happen. Thus, Serendipity happened.
Which makes me conclude to one statement that I ever preciously held-back so as not to shatter the magical moment.
That serendipity happens in real life.
It's true! That it may happen to you, to me, and everyone else. Just as long as you see the whole picture of it. Just as long as you will it... it will happen!!
"Come on, it's just a movie... a mushy movie..."
You don't believe me? Then ask my parents how they met and how they get married...
It's a serendipitous affair!! Why?
Here's a backgrounder (Sorry mommy and daddy for not asking permission for this), they met in their highschool years. Had a "serious" highschool-type girlfriend/boyfriend relationship in their last year and got separated in college. My father decided to take Civil Eng somewhere in Manila, and my mother took Ag Eng here in UPLB. They had boyfriend/girlfriend relationships while they were separated. But guess what happened now? They are happily married with four handsome (ahem, ahem), beautiful, intelligent and God-fearing kids (and I'm their firstborn).
What happened? They got separated and now they are together. The secret? Because they willed it. They willed that they be together. Even if they were kilometers apart. And it took many 5 peso (sorry, have to use Philippine setting) bills and many books about Engineering to make them together. Not to mention, the many "divine intervention" that happened which makes the icing for the cake.
Well, as for me, my serendipitous affair will come in His Perfect Time. And as I have said to one of my friends inside that room, "It will happen to me, one day... and if that day happens when we are ready for marriage... Whoever she may be... I will find her. Pursue her. Court her. And I don't care how many 5 dollar bills or books I have to find just to find her. God will make a way... For now, I'll just have to prepare myself for her. For that serendipitous affair."
Hey, maybe Serendipity is just a part of the bigger picture that is yet to unfold...
And for others who just wants to read, this is for you...
"Sana nangyayari yan sa totoong buhay, no?" (I wish that happens in real life, no?)
It was the very statement I heard while watching the movie Serendipity in a little cramped room with 9 people inside (that includes me).
And all I could think of is a statement that was running and racing inside my head.
A truth that could maybe blow-away even myself. A truth so powerful, I could only say, "My gosh, why is it that people don't notice this truth?!!"
So as to understand this whole article, I will give you just a gist of the movie. Don't worry, no spoilers here... or I think...
Anyway, the ultimate gist here is that 2 people just met a few years back and got to know each other a little too well. But for some reason, they relied on "fate" and put their names and telephone numbers on a 5 dollar paper bill and at the first page of a book. Then, they never got to see each other again. Little did they know that after a few years later, the same 5 dollar paper bill and book will land in their hands... I guess this will be the "spoiler" part, they met again because of the 2 "magical" things and have ever-since stayed together... or so I think...
To a once-hopeless-romantic like myself, I would say the same statement my friend blurted out as we watched that movie... "Sana nangyayari yan sa totoong buhay"
It is because if I would just look at those two events where they write their numbers in common things and when they got it back, it really is a gazillion-to-one chance and they will be really really really lucky to experience that. That will be a once-in-a-lifetime "LOVE" affair...
But what makes this movie so magical is not those two events. Nope. Sorry to shatter your magical moment but it's not. These two are just the back-ups for the real magic. "Palamuti" (decoration). Icing in the cake.
The real magic of serendipity is.... guess what? It is so mundane, so normal, so ordinary that many people missed it.
The real magic is the will of the two characters of the story to find each other. The key-decisions they made, the opportunities they took, the risks they took, the will-power they have. That's the real magic.
It is not really destiny leading them. But rather, they chose to cut a path a create their destinies.
We people (yes, I myself included) has a knack of looking and focusing on one part of the whole picture. In this case, we often look at the 5 dollar bill and book in the movie that makes the whole story so "magical". But we often overlook the bigger picture that makes this story really magical. Thus, the effect is we get disillusioned, hopeless, downhearted and worse, devastated when these so-called "signs" don't happen in our lives.
We don't see the whole picture that we ourselves, most of the time, create the signs. We create our destiny. Try to ask this, what if they decided not to look for each other after they got the 5 dollar bill and book? Or worse, what if they decided not to look for the 5 dollar bill and book? Or even worse, what if they decided not to even write their names in a 5 dollar bill and page in a book? You get my drift? They themselves controlled their reactions to these happenings. It's not fate that is controlling them. It is them controlling fate. And they will it. They want it to happen. Thus, Serendipity happened.
Which makes me conclude to one statement that I ever preciously held-back so as not to shatter the magical moment.
That serendipity happens in real life.
It's true! That it may happen to you, to me, and everyone else. Just as long as you see the whole picture of it. Just as long as you will it... it will happen!!
"Come on, it's just a movie... a mushy movie..."
You don't believe me? Then ask my parents how they met and how they get married...
It's a serendipitous affair!! Why?
Here's a backgrounder (Sorry mommy and daddy for not asking permission for this), they met in their highschool years. Had a "serious" highschool-type girlfriend/boyfriend relationship in their last year and got separated in college. My father decided to take Civil Eng somewhere in Manila, and my mother took Ag Eng here in UPLB. They had boyfriend/girlfriend relationships while they were separated. But guess what happened now? They are happily married with four handsome (ahem, ahem), beautiful, intelligent and God-fearing kids (and I'm their firstborn).
What happened? They got separated and now they are together. The secret? Because they willed it. They willed that they be together. Even if they were kilometers apart. And it took many 5 peso (sorry, have to use Philippine setting) bills and many books about Engineering to make them together. Not to mention, the many "divine intervention" that happened which makes the icing for the cake.
Well, as for me, my serendipitous affair will come in His Perfect Time. And as I have said to one of my friends inside that room, "It will happen to me, one day... and if that day happens when we are ready for marriage... Whoever she may be... I will find her. Pursue her. Court her. And I don't care how many 5 dollar bills or books I have to find just to find her. God will make a way... For now, I'll just have to prepare myself for her. For that serendipitous affair."
Hey, maybe Serendipity is just a part of the bigger picture that is yet to unfold...
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